My time spent as a mom has been the very happiest of my life. Those years weren't all wine and roses, but it's funny how as time passes, God eases the difficult memories and makes the good ones so prominent. Some of the best memories for me include this guy...
I knew the day was coming...tomorrow my youngest begins college. Timothy, like his sister Emily, has been an extraordinary blessing to us. From the time I had him eighteen years ago, this child has been a joy....a great sleeper, eater, napper and all around happy kid. An outstanding student and athlete, Tim has been pretty successful at just about anything he has set his mind to do. So Timmy, as you head off to school, a tear or two may fall from my eyes, but they are definitely tears of joy and immense pride in you. Onward...
I am so ready for fall!! As I prepared the pictures for this post, I notice that even my latest sewing project seems ready for fall. These are some little guest towels that I made out of a nice duck fabric. I am especially partial to these colors.
Over the weekend, some progress was made getting things ready to paint the sewing room (Mom's room). First of all, our favorite paint store was having a Labor Day sale, so I picked out a pretty color and saved $12.80 a gallon to boot. I chose a lovely light shade of pink called "Oleander." Unfortunately, the color does not show accurately.
In order to actually start painting, there is a domino effect that must take place. To begin with, I need to open up some space in my bedroom to accommodate my sewing cabinet. I ordered a new chest of drawers and the guys moved the armoire out of the room and it now holds the television and accessories.
The old cherry wood buffet, a hand-me-down from my mom, now resides in the living room. I cannot tell you how happy this makes me....I was ready for the change. Once the chest arrives, I will begin moving things from the sewing room to my bedroom and also into storage.
After the family room was set to rights, the fall decorating bug bit me. Even though it is supposed to be 90+ degrees here tomorrow, I still had to do a little something, so I got out a couple of pumpkins...
...and a few fall "leaves." I don't know where I got this little leaf dish, but I love it. There's a picture of my mom on the buffet that was taken about seven years ago.
My little buffet and hutch are precious to me....they are small but mean so much. Our dining room set was the first furniture we purchased as a young married couple.
The quality of my pictures is "not too good," because I am "not too good" with the camera. If "practice makes perfect," perhaps my skills will improve. I hope wherever you are, you are safe and happy. I will be thinking all things Fall, but doing it from inside where the air is cool.

"While we try to teach our children all about life, our children teach us what life is all about." ~Angela Schwindt
Amy, you have such a lovely home! I especially love your furnishings. Very solid and well built. That buffet is amazing. Your Mom is such a lovely woman, you are blessed to still have her.
I sure do think your doilies are so pretty. I'm certain you made them, right? They give your furniture such a refined look. Hope you had a great weekend!
A lot of change going on at your house. Good luck to your son in his first year of college. The rearranging/redecorating will be work, but fun too.
Amy, I had also meant to comment that I know how you feel about your Son leaving for college. We only have two boys, and when the little one left, it was just so hard for me. I cried for days. But it does get easier, and you do finally get 'used to it'. So yes, the empty nest thing is hard. I think maybe especially with Sons, it's so hard to let go. But the Holidays are just around the corner. You'll have lots to talk about!
Hello Amy!
What a wonderful post! Congratulations to your son! Oh my I know you will miss him so much. What beautiful furniture, and I love cherry wood! Enjoy redecorating, I will be waiting to see after photos!
A bit of good news! You are my first place winner in my little giveaway! When possible email me your mailing address so I can get your package off to you! Congratulations my friend!
Hello Amy! I enjoyed your post. Your son reminds me of my 18 yr old son ( both really good guys)
Thanks so much for your thoughts and prayers
Blessings to you
Well Hello Amy! I've had a good time getting to "know" you! I loved your list of 5 favorite hobbies (mine would be the same but perhaps with gardening and baking reversed.) And I have those two new cookbooks that you recently bought and I love them! Our very favorite poppyseed bread came from them -- either in Keeping Good Company or one of their other books, I can't remember!) Anyway, thanks so much for your visit to my blog today!
Oh! and I LOVE all the cute little cards you put with each post!
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