I made the little topper for the Pear Honey, which was a sweet diversion the other evening.
Today it really felt like fall, with lower temps and some rain. This fall garland with "twinkle" lights helped a little, too.
Emily and I visited the American Stitches Sewing Expo last Friday, and went antiquing about two and half hours north of here on Saturday. We had a lot of fun, and Emily really found some nice treasures. I found these....
Some new pearl cotton for "redwork" and a pretty piece of pink wool at the expo, and two vintage apron patterns at the antique fair. Go here to see Emily's finds.
I finished my neighbor Angel's scarf...just needs blocking. Thanks for modeling (in your pj's yet) Emily.
This is some of the stuff for my next craft project. It involves Mod Podge. Stay tuned.
The hubby suggested a trip to the apple orchard this weekend. He really knows how to make me smile. I love the apple orchard. Hope you all find some time to be quiet...and a reason to smile.

"He will take great delight in you, he will quiet you with his love..." Zephaniah 3:20
I have been "needing" something lately and as I've been taking time to fluff my nest (so to speak) I have kept the house quiet, no radios, no phones, no music or television. Sometimes the best moments in life are when we're quiet. A lovely post - thank you for sharing.
I love the little flowers on the jar topper and the scarf is beautiful too! "Quietin' down" is good advice. We all should do that more often.
I love the sound of quiet and right now there is no radio, tv going on. Unfortunately I can hear the washer in the back room. The quiet and time for reflection is a good thing.
Evenings here are cooler too. Such a relief, but the days are still hot!
That is quite a find! Love those old apron patterns! And that scarf is so pretty and feminine.
It was very sweet of your DH to suggest a trip to the orchard. Sounds like a wonderful, timely outing! Especially this time of year!
Great finds!! I have a vintage apron pattern that has never been used, that I got at the Antique Mall I work at. I haven't made anything out of it, but hopefully soon. Right after making all those yo yo doilies for the November Holiday Craft Fair.
God bless and Happy Autumn! :D
Love the pretty scarf you made. And that jar topper is adorable!
Oh Amy, your jar topper came out lovely! You do such nice work...have fun apple picking...Scotty Dog and I are taking the Grands to the pumpkin patch this weekend!
By the way...I pray for peace and quiet all the time :)
That is one very cute jar topper, love the colors. I love it too when everything is quiet and still...that's when I have some good conversations with God.
Enjoy your trip to the orchard.
Amy- I jumped over here after reading your lovely comment. Thank you for your kind words, and my teacher gifts this year! I will be making the pear honey and crocheted toppers! I also loved reading your blog - we are similar in many way! I look forward to reading you. Kimberly
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