A big thank you to
Susie for the Best Friends award. I "met" Susie through blogland and we have much in common. New friends are the
best! These little buttons tickle my fancy. I'm sending my love and this award to some new friends with blogs that I really enjoy...
Lace Hearts,
Sher, and an "old" friend whose blog I have enjoyed for some time,

This sweet
pincushion was a quick and easy project. I hope to make a few more for the gift stash. The best parts are picking out the color combinations and finding a cute button. Since this was a test for the pattern it's not too exciting, but the ideas are flooding my brain for future pincushions.
Sherry and I spent all day Saturday at an antique flea market/Joann Fabrics excursion in Ann Arbor. No pics of the roadtrip, but a few good buys and three tired girls. I found three vintage knitting books and an old darning egg. I've always wanted a darning egg...not sure why, I haven't darned a sock in a while. This one looks relatively smooth...I don't think the former owner darned many either.

Thrifting has never been my cup of tea, but I have a daughter that, literally since she was a very little girl, has
loved anything old. As my sister-in-law held Emily for the first time at just three weeks old, she said, "this baby has such a nice aura." She was right, and Emily's love of vintage is just another lovely quality about her.

Susie has also book tagged me. I am supposed to turn to page 56 of any closeby book, start at the 5th sentence and post the next couple of paragraphs. Here goes...
"How are you, Syd?" he asked. "It is a veritable age since I saw you last. We have brought a stack of messages from home, some from Lauren, a dozen or more from your mother, one or two from Kit, one from your father-but I cannot for the life of me recall a single one of them. Can you, Ralf?"
"Something about wearing woolens in the damp weather, at a wager," Ralf said with a grin. "Of course I do not remember. The ladies will, though. You had better come and meet the people you do not already know, Syd. Ah, here comes Christine. Have you met our formidable duchess?"
As a sidenote, I would love to know how to change the color of my text while posting (I know how to change it for the whole blog), and also how to get my text centered on the page. I have looked in all the different places on the "dashboard" and such, but still I'm in the dark.
**New Edit**
Well dear friends, I managed to figure out the problem I was having with some help from Susie and Emily. Now I am able to post a little more efficiently. I won't go into all the details 'cause if I did you may think I don't have all my marbles :)
or laundry and catch up. I'm working four days this week and have two doctor appointments for Mom. Until next time, I wish for you peace in your soul and a good project in your hands.

May the peace of the Lord be with you always, Amen.