First of all, tonight I made chicken pot pie. Although I'm not a stickler for "from scratch" on everything, I do make my chicken pot pie from scratch. Cutting the veggies while the chicken slowly cooks is very relaxing for me. It was rootin' tootin' good, by the way.
Work continues on the same projects. I have made a few more of the washcloths and sachets, but as promised, will spare you more photos. My red scarf is almost done, and will be a gift for my neighbor....her name is Angel. I did manage to cut out a little casual dress and a blouse for myself. Both are easy projects and I hope to get them done quickly, because.... also continues on clearing out the sewing room. We have made s.l.o.w. progress so far. I picked up an inexpensive chest of drawers, which was my impetus to get crackin' on this switch. Once the armoire was moved, I needed a place for the clothes that were in there. Such indecision you have never seen. First I ordered a chest from one furniture store, but it wasn't due to arrive until Oct 10th! Cancelled that. Then found another chest at Penneys...but it was pricey. We popped over to Target to check out their fare, and found above-mentioned chest. I cancelled the Penney's order and I'm tickled with the Target chest. It is solid wood, fits the bill perfectly, and had a much lower price tag. Next I will begin moving everything around. Stay tuned.
Lastly, a question. Have you ever had so many ideas for projects you'd like to make that you become a little addled at the thought of it all? How do you prioritize, well, your life I guess is the real question. Does this rambling signal the onset of menopause?

"...if you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain 'move from here to there,' and it will move." Matthew 17:20
It works for bedrooms and sewing projects, too. When next you work with a needle, think of me.
That potpie looks really delicious. I think I will try my hand at it.
I want to come to your house the next time you make chicken pot pie. Yum!
I usually don't prioritize my knitting projects. I just work on whatever feels right at the time.
Amy, I clicked on the picture of the potpie on the plate, and it made my mouth water! Woman, how do you get dough so nice and flaky?! I hope you post the recipe SOON! I want to make it!
Wish I could add helpful tips for organizing and prioritizing. Lately I've been feeling a wee bit overwhelmed. But you're right, it's hard to determine what should be done first. And I'm perimenopausal, I think, so it may just be a stage we all go through.
You have been tagged!!! Please visit my blog for more details! That pot pie was good, I had the leftovers yesterday!!
Love You!
your daughter
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