I haven't given a progress report on the "cooking at home" lately, and since I'm sure you're all just dying to know, I have been about 75% successful. Yesterday I made my *famous* chicken strips with fiesta rice and corn on the cob. Too many carbs, I know. The gang here was happy. I had the baking bug bite so I whipped up this little number...
...apple pie is a perpetual favorite at our house. Tonight's menu was baked cod, baked potatoes and baked squash. I felt the need to lighten things up after the fried chicken. Tomorrow is Friday, I have to work all day, so you know what that means...the kitchen is closed ; )
Not being a huge television person, I was a little underwhelmed when the guys signed up for Netflix....until they told me about some of the stuff they carry there. Ever the romantic, my husband laughingly told my son all about how I used to like the show "Beauty and the Beast" from the late 1980's. Oh how they teased me for liking a show with Ron Perlman dressed as a beast. So much fun until I *politely* asked them to order the first season for me. They are even less thrilled each time a new disk comes....since I *lovingly invite* them to view it with me...on the only big tv. Wink.
Happy weekend to everyone. Take some time for yourself, to just be with your thoughts.
Think left and think right and think low and think high.
Oh, the thinks you can think up if only you try! ~Dr. Seuss

Amy, you simply must share your chicken strips recipe! I'm always open to new recipes. I must say that apple pie looks scrumptuous!! It looks just like the one on the King Arthur Flour website. I was looking at the recipe last night. They add apple cider to enrich the taste. It looked good, just like yours! How'd you get such a nice crust?
I'm drooling over that apple pie. Yum!
I remember Beauty and the Beast back in the '80s. We never missed an episode.
Hello Amy!
The pie look delicious, and a beautiful one too! That is one lovely crust! I love apple pie, especially warm with a scoop of vanilla ice cream! Just a little reminder... Your gift is waiting, and will be off to you as soon as I receive your address. My email address is on my blog.:o) You and your family have a wonderful weekend!
Hello dear Amy, I want to thank you so much for the award (a while ago), I apologize for taking so long to get back to you...I've been a busy bee at home....but I am so thrilled that you like my blog! Yours is so cozy and homey too, I'm glad I found you!! And my goodness that Apple Pie looks so gorgeous and I'm sure tasted like heaven! God Bless you!
Happy Fall!
It's funny because my daughter and I just finished the last season of Beauty & the Beast. At first my daughter was teasing me about wanting to watch it, and now she's sad we're finished. How can you not like that show?!
You have a nice blog. I'll be back. :)
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