Spinning wool is such a domestic pastime. I love domesticity. Busying myself around the house comes as natural to me as breathing. I am what my mom refers to as a "putzer." Inside or outside, I am completely contented caring for my little home acre.
This may be the last pic of a washcloth and sachet for a while...because my hook is moving over to this lovely project, the Anne scarf by MK Carroll.
I received an award from the very nice Jean. The rules say I have to pass it on to seven of my favorite blogs.

Here goes...there's Emily, Sherry, Beverly, Brin, Ruthann, YaYa, and Deb. I have many more "favorite" blogs...I need to take time to add them to my "Blog Buddies" list.
Please accept this award from me and ...
1. Put the logo on your blog.
2. Link the person from whom you received your award.
3. Nominate at least 7 other blogs.
4. Put the links of those blogs on to your blog.
5. Leave a message on their blogs to tell them!
Here's hoping you are enjoying making a home.

"The happiness of the domestic fireside is the first boon of heaven."
~Thomas Jefferson
Hello Amy!
Thank you so much for the beautiful award! I am both humbled and moved that you enjoy Tea Time! Blogging has allowed me to meet so many lovely ladies, and I thank each of you for all the encouragement that you give...heartfelt indeed. Amy my goodness your crocheting is absolutely lovely! I knit, but crochet is so beautiful and cannot be duplicated with knitting needles! Like your spinning, I have promised myself to one day learn the lovely art of crochet. You know Amy, there just may be spinning is Heaven!! :o) What is so grand, we will spin and never get tired! :o)
Again, thank you so much for the beautiful award!
Oh, my goodness!! This is the first ever award I win, I'm so thrilled! Thank you so much for thinking of me. I'm not sure how I'm supposed to do this, but I'll try and follow your instructions in passing it on. The hard part will be deciding which blogs, they're all wonderful!
I really enjoyed your post as spinning is something dear to my heart also. I too have longed for a spinning wheel, but they are rather costly. I still have hopes of someday getting one. But you know what? You can still spin, but using a drop spindle, which is like a little wooden yo-yo. I made a post about it a while back. It's very cheap too, under $20! In fact, mine cost like $15, I think. I also have another one that cost only $10, and spinning on them is SO MUCH FUN!! So don't give up hope, Amy, spinning is something you can do!
The scarf is going to be lovely. You're off to a great start on it.
Hi mom! Thanks for the award....it was so nice to come home to that. Now I have one for you! Visit my blog to pick it up!
Hi Amy, thank you so much for the wonderful award and lovely comments about my blog...so glad you found me because now I have found you! I love the passion you have for home....we need more mama's like you in the world! God bless you!
Love, Ruthann
You have an award waiting for you...Come over to my blog. Blessings...Sherry
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