I really love to embroider...and this project was a little different. I purchased it as a kit for my mom to do, but she couldn't seem to get started and gave it back to me. After basting batting to the back of the face fabric (which was stamped with the pattern), you stitched right through the batting. Once the embroidery was done, you basted the backing fabric and then hand quilted through all layers. All stitching was done without a hoop. This project was the first time I did bouillon roses....I loved it. I finished it off with self-binding from the back and hung it on a cute little hanger.
I think that I will never see,
A poem as lovely as a tree!
A tree who's hungry mouth is pressed,
Against the earth's sweet flowing breath.
A tree that looks at God all day,
And lifts her leafy arms to pray.
A tree that does in Summer wear,
A nest of robins in her hair.
Upon whose busom snow has lain,
Who intimately lives with rain.
Poems are made by fools like me,
But only God can make a tree.
~Author Unknown
Nice stitchin'. Love the roses!
What a beautiful project! You do create such lovely things!
You do great work, I can not make a thing so I enjoy others talent. The poem about Trees is a favorite of mine.
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