The weather couldn't have been better: cool, breezy and blue skies with big fluffy white clouds. The city of London is quaint and lovely.....I wish I could show you. That's right, only one measly little picture, and not a very good one at that. I'm sorry, but once I explain you will forgive me. You see, I did a LOT of walking. Not just a gentle mosey around town, mind you....I hoofed it until......well, until...I was just pooped! I never thought to snap any pictures. You can thank the hubster for the pic of the knit shop he found (he took the picture). We were heading out of town and this was the last stop. I found some neat knitting patterns for...are you ready...5 for $1.00 (future post). I purchased ten and left the shop pretty happy.
On the road I worked on the crocheted washcloths. I am having way too much fun with these. I was able to complete three and the little soap sachet on the trip.
I plan to make the matching soap sachets for each one....but I don't have a crochet pattern. The little pink one I improvised. Although it was easy and came out ok, I am making the next one different. I fear you may tire of seeing these before I tire of making them! Next on the agenda is some baby booties. I plan to make some preemie-sized for The Preemie Project and some regular-sized for gifts.
Yesterday I worked my regular half-day and then met Sherry for some "grown-up girl bonding time." If that quote sounds familiar, you may have heard it here. It's one of my faves. Hope you all have the weekend of your dreams.....and peace.
"...we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ..." Romans 5:1
Your little doilies are so pretty and exquisite! Great find on those patterns for the price. I'd say it was a very worthwhile trip.
OK you need to teach me how to make the dish clothes. That will be what our next get together is all about! Can't wait. Sherry
Wow, they all are so pretty. I love knitting, but do not know how to crochet. I think about learning, but that opens up way to many possibilities for patterns.
I won't get tired of seeing the washcloths. They are very pretty!
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