Really, this picture does not do it justice. It's raining today and I'm off to find some trim for a set of pillows that I have a hankering to make. I have the fabric, I have the forms, but somehow forgot about the all-important trim.
In keeping with the fall color scheme I seem to be partial to, I'm looking for something in the rusty brown or burgundy family. Being the simple girl I am, don't be surprised if the trim is plain. These pillows are to spruce up my living room.
Many bloggers are expressing their gratitude for all that they are thankful for. I'm following suit here, although it may happen sporatically....I'm terribly scatter-brained these days. my thanksgivings are:
My Bible and my two favorite books, ever
My love of making matter how they turn out
My children....the greatest gift God has ever given me
My sense of humor....which gets me through many a rough spot
Trees......beautiful trees and nature all around me
I'm already planning my Thanksgiving menu. All the standards, but I hope to make a new dish or two. Send any of your good recipes my way. Until then, when next you see a beautiful tree, think of me.

Hi Amy, that is a wonderful tree, the colors are perfect for fall. I love the way you expressed yourself in what you are thankful for, which leads me to want to do the same. I'll think about it and post on it later. Thx for sharing. Have a great weekend.
Amy...No, thank you!
I love this post. I too have noticed my appreciation for nature has grown with my age. I too feel an amazing sense of closeness to God when I am puttering in a garden or just taking the time to appreciate all of his amazing creations.
That tree is beautiful! What bright colors. And so is your lovely header, by the way.
Thanks for sharing what you're thankful for today. I enjoyed reading your list. :)
Many sweet blessings!
Amy, I knew we were kindred spirits. Your wonderful post echos everything I am thankful for. Your pear tree is so colorful and I love trees best of all plants. And where would I be without my dictionary LOL. And yes I am planning Thanksgiving dinner as I write but I do the same menu every year so I will be checking if you find anything new to add.
Amy Hi. I just thought I would let you know that Adalia is okay. Her computer got a virus on it and is being repaired or NOT. I called her a little while ago. So all is well. Take care.
What a treat to have beautiful blossoms in the spring and pretty leaves in the fall.
Dear Amy,
Your tree has such splendid colours, I too appreciate the simple things in life, God has blest us in so many ways.
Now you must show the final pillows made up.(Love the fabric)
With Smiles
Kathryn x
Hi Amy. Chayote's are a little similar to squash like zuchini. The difference is that you can eat the whole thing and it melts in your mouth. They have it in your vegetable section in grocers.Try one, you'll love it. You can make casseroles with them as well. yum. Take care.
Dear Amy,
If you want the pattern for cup bag, let me know.
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