"....be still and know that I am God."

While I was thinking of what to pack for the Canada trip, I remembered this navy print bought a few months back. I dug out an often-used pattern for a peasant blouse and made the 3/4 sleeve version. I enjoyed wearing it with my jeans.
Last Saturday Emily and I went to a vintage clothing sale at a nearby community hall. It was quite nice....you wouldn't believe the clothing, shoes, handbags and jewelry to be found there. Some of the stuff dated back to the late 1800's. The vendors all dressed in their vintage clothes and the displays were really something. Here's Emily in a vintage hat.....what a doll.
My girl is a shoe nut. These shoes were cute, but not comfortable. They didn't come home with us.....however, one pair did.....but of course no picture of those.
Church tonight was very solemn as it should be. The older I get, the more I am awed by the great gift God gave us in Jesus. Tonight I couldn't stop thinking about what Jesus must have felt in the Garden of Gethsemane. I am looking forward to the joy of Easter morning, when we will celebrate our risen Savior. Oh, I enjoy the bunnies and chicks, and have a few treats tucked away for the kids and my mom, but my happiness will come from the knowledge that I am truly saved from sin, by grace, through Jesus Christ.
I wish you all a joyous Easter, filled with the joy and blessings of God....and a couple of bunnies and chicks thrown in there for good measure : )
I wish you all a joyous Easter, filled with the joy and blessings of God....and a couple of bunnies and chicks thrown in there for good measure : )
Glad you enjoyed your vacation Amy. I enjoyed your post and I have read a lot of posts with what you have said and its good to know the faith people have in our Lord. Thank you for sharing and have a Happy Easter. Oh by the way, that store you went to sounds like fun. Your daughter looked cute in that hat. Take care.
By the way, I hope you little pumkin is doing good. She is such a beauty of a pet family member.
My Dear Sweet Amy,
Your post has touched me deeply tonight...I am so thankful that the Lord has shown us the way to each other...
I wish you and your family a Happy Easter...I will think of you all as we enjoy our Easter festivities...
I have been working on something to send you in an email...private, sister stuff...I will send it to you on Wednesday as I have the day off and can finish it up...
I love you!
Your daughter is such a doll! Wish we had sales like that here in town.
Wishing you a Happy Easter as well Amy!
amy, I've been looking for a very simple peasant blouse pattern for ages...do you know of one? I'm not really a sewer, more of a quilter/sewer, than a clothes/sewer, if you get my drift ;)
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